Sunday planting bulbs

Posted Sun 05 November 2017 in garden

A lovely day, sunny and calm. I went to watch the fireworks at Whitley bay and the moon was reflecting off the water.

Earlier in the day I got the remainder of the bulbs planted including the two new sets of tulips that I bought yesterday. So all in all this years new bulbs are as follows:

  • 10 x Tulips "Cape cod" The petals are red with yellow edges. Look very pretty on the packet.
  • 10 x Tulips "Orange brilliant". These are, well... orange.
  • 10 x Tulips "Triumph mixed". Mixed colours, some two coloured.
  • 20 x Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta). Trying again after last years disappointment. These bulbs were much larger than last years. I also had a packet of 8 or 10 which were much smaller - I took the largest two and threw the rest away from that packet.
  • 20 x Anemone blanda - mixed colours. These are small hard black wrinkly bulbs. There was all ready one (or a clump) of these beneath the hazel. I would quite like some more.
  • 10 x Ipheion uniflorum. Well it said 10 on the packet but there was definately more than that. Some of them were rather small though. I had not heard of these before I bought them
  • 50 x Crocus - mixed colours 'value pack'.

I make that 130 bulbs altogether. It sounds a lot but if there is one thing I've learned over the year, is that you need a lot of plants to fill even a small area. They are planted in a few patches, mostly along the left hand side of the garden, including the bit by the house where the weeds fear to grow. But there are also some along the back and beneath the Pyracantha and some near the Solomon's seal.

Along with last years plantings and the existing bulbs, there should be quite a lot going on this spring.

Posted by Steve

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